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Air Quality Conundrum in Delhi and the Challenges of Environmental Science

Air Quality Conundrum in Delhi and the Challenges of Environmental Science

The headline of a story published on CBS news on November 14th of this year read that residents of the metropolitan city of Delhi are currently experiencing the worst air quality of any city in the world. Satellite images of northern India have captured the smog that blankets Delhi during the winter months, which appears as a massive cloud of grey smoke covering the Indo-Gangetic plains. A video released in 2019 of a massive pile up of cars on the Yamuna Expressway in Noida, a city close to Delh …
Dec 3rd 2024 Henry Shuler
The Importance of Environmental Engineering

The Importance of Environmental Engineering

In 1854, John Snow (no, not the Game of Thrones character), a physician investigating cholera outbreaks in Victorian-era London, went door-to-door throughout the streets of Soho neighborhood asking local residents where their drinking water came from. He discovered that cholera was much more common in areas where residents drank unfiltered water that had been pumped from the river Thames. In 1858, a record-breaking heat wave caused the water level of the Thames to drop, and it became clear from …
Nov 26th 2024 Henry Shuler
A Sustainable and Ethical Thanksgiving

A Sustainable and Ethical Thanksgiving

The story of the first Thanksgiving is commonly portrayed as a time when friendly Indians greeted the pilgrims with open arms and feasted alongside them in harmony, though this is far from the truth.Before the “pilgrims” (who at the time did not call themselves pilgrims) had landed in Plymouth, a village of Patuxet Indians had been killed by the spread of plague, which had been brought from Europe to America by colonists. Before the first Thanksgiving feast took place, Europeans had already capt …
Nov 25th 2024 Henry Shuler
Voting for Climate Action

Voting for Climate Action

On November 18th, 2000, Judge Charles Burton held a paper ballot up to a ceiling light of the Palm Beach County Emergency Operations Center to determine whether a voter had properly hole-punched their choice for presidential candidate. The 2000 presidential election saw vice president Al Gore and Texas governor George W. Bush vying for the presidency. On November 7th of 2000, it had been determined that Gore had won the popular vote by 543,895 votes. Gore had won 255 electoral college (EC) votes …
Oct 30th 2024 Henry Shuler
​Celebrating Halloween Sustainably

​Celebrating Halloween Sustainably

2000 years ago, in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France, the ancient Celts gathered around a bonfire on November 1st for the tradition of Samhain; a celebration signifying the end of the harvest and the beginning of the cold and dark winter months. The Celts believed that the worlds of the dead and the living collided on this night. To ward off spirits such as Lady Gwyn, a headless woman wearing a white dress and accompanied by a black pig, the Celts would gather around a …
Oct 30th 2024 Henry Shuler
Climate Denialism

Climate Denialism

In 1859, a 39 year-old Irish physicist named John Tyndell was ecstatic to publish the results of his experiments to major European journals. He had proven that carbon dioxide absorbs more heat from the infrared radiation of sunlight than other gasses such as nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. He was finally able to publish his results in 1861, but made no mention of the implications of carbon dioxide’s heat-absorbing ability for the Earth’s climate in his papers.Despite the recognition that Tyndell …
Oct 17th 2024 Henry Shuler
The Perfect Sustainable Consumer

The Perfect Sustainable Consumer

… doesn’t exist. Humans are constantly consuming to survive, even if only for basic needs such as food, water, air, and shelter, and it is virtually impossible in this day and age for every single choice we make to be the most sustainable one. Unsustainable consumer behavior is equated with environmental destruction or excessive wastefulness, but attributing blame for the state of the environment to consumers won’t lead to a cleaner Earth and can actually discourage positive actions.In a time of …
Oct 9th 2024 Henry Shuler
Nature and Holistic Health

Nature and Holistic Health

Improving health using a holistic approach means addressing psychological, physical, emotional, spiritual, and social dimensions of wellbeing all together. The source of one's ailment may be the result of multiple causes, and thus addressing multiple facets of health would ensure a greater chance of healing. Research has found that spending more time outdoors in a natural setting improves health in many ways, and that nature is an important component of holistic health.Physical:Numerous health b …
Sep 30th 2024 Henry Shuler
Rewilding Our Minds

Rewilding Our Minds

Fall is nearing, and as the leaves of trees begin to exhibit a brilliant array of colors and the weather begins to cool, mindfully observing nature during this time of change can help us to realize the beauty of the world. By focusing our attention on nature, we become more cognisant of its importance. We become more aware that we would not be able to enjoy the beauty of life without the natural environments of the Earth.Throughout human history, certain civilizations have demonstrated a reveren …
Sep 22nd 2024 Henry Shuler
How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green

How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green

The makeup and skincare industries aim to make consumers feel beautiful with luxurious products in gorgeous packaging. But, unfortunately, the harsh chemicals that are used and the plastic packaging that’s wasted have some pretty ugly impacts on the environment. So, if you want to feel glamorous without feeling guilty, keep reading to learn how you can make your beauty routine more green. Start small. It can be overwhelming and expensive to replace every product and practice in your current bea …
Jun 5th 2024 Sabrina Castle
Tips for Summertime Sustainability

Tips for Summertime Sustainability

Most people think of the summer season as the perfect time for a bit of rest and relaxation. And while we might look forward to taking a break from work or school as the weather warms, that doesn’t mean that we should take a break from our efforts to lead eco-conscious lifestyles. So, keep reading to learn how you can live sustainably this summer. Cut down your cooling. While it might be tempting to keep your house ice cold in the summer heat, constantly having your AC on full blast racks up ma …
May 24th 2024 Sabrina Castle
How To Support Sustainable Tourism

How To Support Sustainable Tourism

Take a moment to think of the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen while on vacation. Maybe your mind went to the sandy shores of a gorgeous beach, the lush greenery and amazing wildlife of a vast forest, or the colorful market of a culture completely different from yours. Now, imagine those beaches being filled with trash, that greenery being killed, that wildlife being harmed and those local vendors struggling financially…pretty grim, right? Unfortunately, typical practices of mass tourism di …
May 14th 2024 Sabrina Castle
How To Make Your Spring Clean More Green

How To Make Your Spring Clean More Green

When springtime rolls around, you might feel a sudden urge to rid your house of all the dust, dirt and cobwebs that have piled up over the winter months—an event commonly referred to as “spring cleaning.” And while periodically deep cleaning your home is a super healthy habit to form, the cleaning industry unfortunately promotes many products and practices that are seriously unhealthy for the environment. There are two main concerns which we as consumers need to be mindful of: the harsh chemical …
May 3rd 2024 Sabrina Castle
Celebrating Mother’s Day Sustainably

Celebrating Mother’s Day Sustainably

On Mother’s Day, everyone scrambles to find the perfect present for the woman who gave them the gift of life. And while every mother deserves to feel appreciated on this special day, unfortunately, gift-giving culture promotes many practices that negatively impact the environment, from purchasing non-sustainable products to using wasteful wrapping. So, this Mother’s Day, check out this guide to learn how to celebrate your mother while also keeping Mother Earth in mind. Eco-friendly flowers. Whi …
Apr 18th 2024 Sabrina Castle
How to Shop Slowly in a World of Fast Fashion

How to Shop Slowly in a World of Fast Fashion

Whether you’re a fashion fanatic or live in sweatpants, clothing is something we all buy, own and use on a daily basis. Since clothing is such an integral part of our lives, it’s important that we examine the global clothing industry, our personal fashion practices and their impacts on the environment.Believe it or not, there was a time when it was normal for people to own and wear pieces of clothing for decades, or even their entire lives. Two main factors played into this. First, clothing was …
Apr 6th 2024 Sabrina Castle

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