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How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green

How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Green

The makeup and skincare industries aim to make consumers feel beautiful with luxurious products in gorgeous packaging. But, unfortunately, the harsh chemicals that are used and the plastic packaging that’s wasted have some pretty ugly impacts on the environment. So, if you want to feel glamorous without feeling guilty, keep reading to learn how you can make your beauty routine more green. Start small. It can be overwhelming and expensive to replace every product and practice in your current bea …
Jun 5th 2024 Sabrina Castle
The Power of a Purchase: How Consumer Choice Helps Us to Fight for Our Future

The Power of a Purchase: How Consumer Choice Helps Us to Fight for Our Future

We all know by now that money is really what makes the world spin, no matter how much we wish it could be otherwise. "All you need is love..." and food to eat, water to drink, a place to sleep, clothes to wear, or even just something to occupy your time so you don't go mad. We all need money, we all continuously spend money, and we can sometimes start to feel powerless beneath the monotony of it all; spending money just to survive or find fleeting joy in soon-to-be forgotten goods rather than tr …
Jan 26th 2022 Haley Salmon, Owner & Founder
A No-Go for Greenwashing: Our Guide to Green Businesses

A No-Go for Greenwashing: Our Guide to Green Businesses

With the rise in concern for the climate crisis and a rising popularity in eco-friendly products and support for green businesses, it can be hard to know when a company is truly obtaining and selling their products in a way that significantly reduces environmental harm rather than simply trying to trick you into believing their greenwashing marketing scheme. So what is greenwashing, and how do I stay away from it?          Greenwashing is a marketing tactic used by compa …
Jan 14th 2022 Haley Salmon, Owner & Founder

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